Student attendance is not only required by the Texas Education Code, but we know that being present every day is pivotal to student success. Presence in school is a strong indicator for future success. We encourage regular attendance and look forward to a successful school year with your student.
However, we also know there are times when illness or other circumstances may require a student to stay home.
To report a student absence, please email Britni Gooch as soon as possible at to make our campus aware.
To notify TMIS of an absence, please do any of the following:
o Click here for the TMIS attendance form to report the absence.
- Haga clic aquí para obtener el formulario de asistencia de TMIS para informar la ausencia.
o Email student's teachers and include
o Call attendance office at 817-744-4317 to report absence.
o Turn in parent or doctor note to the attendance office upon return to campus.
Please provide the following information in your notification:
o Student’s first and last name
o Reason for absence
o Your name, relationship to the student, and your contact phone number
Reporting Errors:
o If your student was marked absent for a specific day and you feel that it was done in error, please contact your STUDENT'S SECOND PERIOD TEACHER.
o The teacher may be contacted by email for clarification and correction questions.
Important Information:
This year, our ADA time (the time we report attendance to the state) is 9:15am. If your student is not in the building at this time, they will be counted Absent. An absence can be coded "Parent Note" with communication from the parent/guardian, or "Dr Appt/Absence" with communication from a doctor's office.
Early dismissals are allowed any time before 2:45pm. We cannot call a student out of class until we check the ID of the person picking up the student, so please make sure you plan accordingly. Sometimes it only takes a minute or two, but in our busy times, this can add 10-15 minutes. On days that we have an assembly, we will not be able to call your student out of class when the assembly is over. If you would like to take your student home, you will need to communicate that with their teacher, and make sure your student knows to come to the office.